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Ms. Chung Ka Yan, Sharon

I was paired with my darling girl Diana during the COVID pandemic in 2020. She’s a creamy white Labrador, my beautiful companion. As often said, Seeing Eye Dogs are ‘windows of heaven’ to the blind and visually impaired, surely this is so true. Diana helps me navigate through streets and obstacles with care, and very professional at leading me across busy roads.

One time, we were crossing the road at Big Wave Bay (Tai Long Wan) when a small boy cried out “guide dog!” His mother quickly explained to him that “we shouldn’t shout or disturb them as they are at work, guiding their companions along.”

As for Diana and my husband, they are jolly playmates. Diana gets excited and happy to greet him when he arrives home after work. She brings out her toys and waits for him by the door as he walks in, wagging her tail, showing off her toy duck, toy banana and hamburger too! Diana brightens up our lives and gives us lots of joy and laughter.

I remembered on one beautiful sunny afternoon, we took the tram up to the Peak and met many dogs playing in the park. Their owners and passers by were amazed at how well behaved Diana was. We then visited the wax works where the shop assistants were praising Diana at how calm and well behaved she was too. They told her to take good care of me. I was pleased and very proud of my girl. After a great day out, we took the tram back down to town. I am so lucky to have Diana as my companion!

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