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Ms. Chan Koon Har, Koonie

Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) has been my unshakable companion since birth, and I have learnt to live and adapt to it as best I can throughout my life. As symptoms of RP deteriorates with age, I have at best, 10 to 20% vision remain today. As daylight fades, my visual field drops sharply until nightfall where the only objects visible to me are bright lights.

A good friend of mine who had spotted training of seeing eye dogs near her home brought this to my attention. I knew little of these services at the time, so time went by. She came across HKSEDS’ outbound promotion counter one Sunday, where coincidentally her daughter was volunteering that afternoon. Without hesitation she approached staff and explained my visual situation, and the rest was history.

I was lucky to be paired with a Seeing Eye Dog Happy after being approached by HKSEDS staff, working with trainers through application, screening, suitability and physical training over several months.

Happy conducted her tasks well since living with me, she guided me to and from places, avoided crashing into obstacles, helped me find bus stops, ticket barriers, up and down stairs and escalators, crossing roads safely. She attracted much attention our journeys around town and on public transport. Many curious observers approach us with questions which I am pleased to explain most times. Unknowingly, my social life has broadened and even made friends with these total strangers.

I used to be afraid of the dark, hardly venturing out till late and coming home to the village was scary. Since Happy’s arrival, her guidance has boosted my confidence and going out in the dark was not a problem anymore.

My social circle has broadened and I became a happier person since Happy came into my life. Accompanying passengers on our daily route could see this change and told me the same.

Reflecting on our matching training days, there has been some scary moments crossing road junctions. Luckily, trainer was at hand and guided us out of danger. Happy and I, slowly gained mutual understanding and repel, and now, are the best and happiest partners ever! As construction of Hong Kong’s first Seeing Eye Dog Training School is near completion, with facilities such as model bridges, road junctions & traffic lights, tunnels & subways as well as hanging obstacles. These facilities will benefit future budding seeing eye dog partners to endure a smooth training experience, to learn and master some basic essential starting blocks in a safe environment before venturing out to the real world.

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[:en]300 Lin Ma Hang Road, Ta Kwu Ling, New Territories, Hong Kong.[:tc]香港新界打鼓嶺蓮麻坑路300號[:sc]香港新界打鼓岭莲麻坑路300号[:]


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+852 8113 2577


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