To become a Seeing Eye Dog User:
- Show care and enthusiasm and support Seeing Eye Dog services; Believe in HKSEDS’s vision and mission.
- Must be a certified visually impaired by any government recognized organization and willing to use a Seeing Eye Dog.
- Age between 18 and 65, with good living habit, healthy and able to travel independently.
- Able to feed and take care of the dog.
- Passionate about life and have positive attitude.
- Good sense of orientation and able to travel independently on at least three familiar route using your current mobility aid.
- Know simple English and is willing to accept training by our trainers.
- Able to commit to a 28-day training in Hong Kong or overseas. Another 4 to 6 weeks follow-up training at home, office and places mostly visited may be required.
- Able to afford daily expenses of the Seeing Eye Dog (food, vaccination, medical, and grooming).
- Certified by the HKSAR as disabled.